3 Avocado-Inspired Snacks to Fuel You Through C28


In need of a healthy yet satisfying midday snack? Having nutritious snacks on hand is a great way to avoid binging on junk food when cravings hit. Research has demonstrated that when we’re feeling more stressed or anxious, we tend to get cravings for unhealthier snack options. Additionally, it’s easy to snack on these empty-calorie foods regardless of whether or not we are hungry.

However, the problem with snacking on junk food is that it actually ends up making us feel more hungry as the day goes on. This is due to the drastic rise and fall that comes with refined carbohydrate consumption. While we get a short burst of energy and feel good (due to the release of dopamine), we don’t get a lot of nutrient density. This causes our body to start feeling hungry again sooner rather than later, and increases sugar cravings to balance blood sugar levels.

One of the easiest ways to stay on track with nutrition is to keep healthy snack options around the house or with you on the go. The more we can avoid mindless or stress snacking, the easier it will be to follow your daily meal plan and healthy eating routine. So, exactly what does a healthy snack look like? We’ve outlined three F45 Challenge recipes that incorporate one of the most nutrient-dense foods—avocados! They are rich in vitamins, minerals, and quality monounsaturated fats, which keep blood sugars balanced and cravings at bay.

A healthy, nutrient-dense snack may include: 

  • Dietary fiber, such as whole grains, veggies, or beans 
  • Lean, unprocessed source of protein
  • Natural (unrefined) source of sugar (i.e. fruit, honey, dates)
  • Healthy source of fat, such as avocados 

While at the same time, has not undergone any processing, doesn’t contain hydrogenated oils (trans fats), is low in sodium, and contains no refined sugar or additives. 

Avocado Salsa on Brown Rice Cakes Recipe

This low-cal, low-carb snack consists of a simple salsa made with sliced avocado, onion, cherry tomato, and coriander. Season with black pepper, sea salt, and lemon juice, and spread on brown rice cakes for a tasty, nutrient-dense snack that you can whip up in less than five minutes! 


Tuna and Avocado Snack Bowl Recipe

The combination of tuna and avocado makes the perfect protein-packed snack to cut those cravings. Tuna is a rich source of lean protein, while avocado is an excellent source of healthy fats (monounsaturated). This snack is light enough to eat 1-1.5 hours before your workout, or you can prepare a few servings to have after your workouts throughout the week. A single serving packs 20 grams of high-quality protein, which is ideal for post-workout muscle recovery. When purchasing canned tuna, be sure to look for a quality, sustainable source of tuna (such as albacore) that is canned in water with no added salt.


Crispy Kale with Avocado Herbed Dip Recipe

Kale chips are not only rich in fiber, but they taste delicious with a simple avocado-seasoned dip! Seasonings like coriander, dill, and chives are a great way to add tons of flavor to your avocado. Kale chips are also a significantly healthier, unprocessed substitute for tortilla chips. You’ll want to have these prepped for the entire week!


What about snack size?

In terms of snack size, it’s a good idea to first calculate what your total daily calories are by  using the BMR Calculator in the Challenge App. From here, aim to incorporate one or two snacks throughout the day to have between three larger meals. These could range from 150 to 500 calories, depending on your activity level. Regardless of what your specific needs are, the three F45 Challenge snack recipes above are sure to be delicious and the perfect way to cut those midday cravings!


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